Periodontal Abscess is referred to as an accumulation of pus in gum tissues. The leading cause of this infection is bacteria. It develops acutely, destroying periodontal tissues. Therapeutic alternatives for periodontal abscess are:
Pus Drainage for the Abscess
If a dentist diagnoses a person with some signs of periodontal abscess, they might advise on particular cleaning measures to aid plague removal and the buildup of tartar. They will then perform a small opening in the swollen part to drain the abscess. After the incision, they might apply simple pressure to the area to enable complete pus effluent.
Dental Bone Grafting and Tooth Extraction
After the pus extraction, the dentist might organize an x-ray to determine whether the abscess causes bone disintegration. A severe infection or a prolonged gum abscess without treatment may result in a bone deficit.
After having the x-ray done and there is indeed a bone deficit which is severe, the dentist might recommend measures to assist the repair of the bone and the tissue encircling it. In any case, a gum abscess infects the tooth's inner pulp; the dentist may recommend using a root canal treatment and, in some cases, advice on the extraction of the tooth next to the abscess.
Periapical abscesses may also need a root canal or tooth extraction, which emerges when there is a bacterial infringement of the dental pulp due to, e.g. cracked tooth, trauma or prevalent decay.
Antibiotics Treatment
Another critical type of quality treatment process for gum abscess is through antibiotic medication. Oral antibiotics can help to neutralize the bacteria leading to the infection. It can also stop the infection from advancing or reinfecting the site.
It's better to note that although antibiotics are commonly used to aid the condition, they are not regarded as a substitute for dental work and will not heal the abscess. The dentist can add painkillers to the treatment process if you have pain.