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Dr. Xixi Wu

Dr. Xixi Wu
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Does Gum Disease Stop If You Start to Floss?

Posted on 2/20/2020 by Hilton Israelson, DDS
Does Gum Disease Stop If You Start to Floss?You have heard all of your life, how important brushing and flossing are. We agree. Brushing and flossing are essential to maintaining good dental health. But what if you already have gum disease? Can flossing your teeth help with gum disease. The answer is- it depends.

How Does Gum Disease Happen?

Both tooth decay and gum disease are caused by bacteria. The bacteria live in your mouth all of the time. If you brush and floss your teeth regularly, and get your teeth checked by us twice a year, you can keep bacteria at bay. If you don't practice good oral hygiene, you allow the bacteria in your mouth to solidify into plaque. While you can clean the film off your teeth each day, the plaque is so hard that it cannot be cleared away with a toothbrush. Over time, the plaque can cause a gum infection- which is the beginning stage of gum disease.

Can Brushing and Flossing Stop Gum Disease?

The first stage of gum disease involves your gums becoming red and inflamed. They may bleed when you try and floss them. However, if you continue to brush and floss regularly, and use toothpaste for periodontal (gum) disease, you can reverse the effects of gum disease at stage one. If you don't practice good oral hygiene, and you don't get your gum disease checked, you may progress to stage two or stage three of gum disease.

If you are at stage two or stage three of gum disease, don't despair. You can slow the progression of the disease. Keep visiting us for periodontal checkups and cleanings, because that is a great way to keep an infection at bay. Brush and floss your teeth twice a day, every day. We can help you keep that beautiful smile for years to come, so give us a call today!
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