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Natural Remedies for Gingivitis: X Foods That Help Heal Gums

Posted on 4/26/2021 by Hilton Israelson, DDS
Natural Remedies for Gingivitis: X Foods That Help Heal GumsDid you know that nearly one in every two adults over the age of 30 struggles with gingivitis (gum disease)?

Gingivitis is, in fact, one of the most common dental conditions we treat here at Dr. Xixi Wu. However, it's worth noting that this gum disease is treatable if you catch it in its early stages and ensure proper oral care. And one of the key elements of proper oral care is to eat healthy.
Here are five foods you should eat to help heal your gums naturally.

Nuts and Seeds

Dry nuts and seeds are rich in omega-3s. Omega-3s are an essential component of a well-balanced and nutrient-dense diet. They are especially important for people with gum diseases because omega-3s have an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, eating pistachios, macadamia nuts, sesame seeds, and the likes can help control gingivitis.

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish include salmon, mackerel, herring, tuna, and even sardines. Just like nuts and seeds, fatty fish are also packed with omega-3 oils. They help strengthen your immune system which, in turn, helps lowers the risk of developing gum and tooth infection.


Some types of mushrooms, such as shiitake mushrooms, are a good source of lentinan. Lentinan is a complex sugar compound (called polysaccharide) that is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Lentinan helps destroy the harmful bacteria responsible for gum disease while leaving the healthy bacteria alone.


Broccoli is loaded with vitamin C. Vitamin C can have a direct impact in controlling gum disease. This is because this nutrient acts as an antioxidant, fighting free radicals and other disease-causing bacteria.

Red and Green Bell Peppers

For a more powerful boost of vitamin C, add one to two red or green bell peppers to your daily diet. One cup of green bell pepper contains approximately twice the amount of recommended daily intake of vitamin C for adults. On the other hand, one cup of red bell pepper offers you almost thrice your minimum daily allowance of vitamin C.

Take Note

These food items can help slow down the progression of gum disease. But they cannot stop it altogether.

The best way to combat gingivitis is to take a combined approach including three crucial elements:

•  Natural remedies and a gum-disease fighting diet
•  Maintaining proper oral hygiene
•  Professional care from a periodontist

At Dr. Xixi Wu, Dr. Wu and Dr. Xixi Wu can assist you in understanding the right way to control and prevent gingivitis and other gum diseases. Call (972) 669-9444 for more information.
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