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Does Drinking More Water Protect Your Teeth?

Posted on 2/21/2022 by Hilton Israelson, DDS
Does Drinking More Water Protect Your Teeth?Water is life and drinking a lot of water will make you have great overall health. In the same way, water is also vital for oral health. Water washes away the food particles that might be left in the mouth after eating. The food particles accumulation causes the formation of plaque and tartar and this eventually leads to tooth loss, tooth decay, and cavities.

Increasing of saliva

Having a lot of saliva is good for your mouth, the saliva washes the remains of food particles away. The food particles if accumulated for long in the mouth cause plaque and tartar. Plaque is a breeding ground for infections and bacteria and when combined forms acid that eats away the tooth enamel. The enamel is the layer that protects the dentin and it exposes the infected pulp. There is the formation of cavities and this leads to tooth decay, tooth loss and you will have tooth sensitivity. By having a lot of saliva the food remains will be washed away. Water intake adds the amount of saliva in the mouth.

Prevent gum Disease

When you drink plenty of water you will prevent the attack of gum disease, when food particles stuck between the teeth and mouth get flushed out by water. This in turn prevents dental cavities, tooth decay, and caries that might be brought about by plaque accumulation. Ensure that you drink plenty of water to prevent gum disease. Our dental team will treat your gum disease and educate you on ways of making sure that you avoid gum disease by drinking plenty of water.
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Dr. Xixi Wu, 702 W. Arapaho Rd #108, Richardson, TX 75080 | (972) 669-9444 | | 9/3/2024 | Related Terms: dental implants Richardson TX |