With a dental implant, you will receive a new tooth or new teeth to replace any that might be missing. That does not mean that it is as simple as putting a new tooth where the old one was. Here at Dr. Xixi Wu, it is important to us that you know what is involved if you are to get a dental implant. There can be some steps that need to be taken to make sure that your jaw will be ready for the implant. One of the steps that we sometimes need to take is a sinus lift.
What You Need to Know About a Sinus Lift
The term "sinus lift" sounds like it could be a drastic change, but it is quite simple. Here are the basic things that you will need to know. If you need a sinus lift, we will go over everything with you in more detail. With a dental implant, there needs to be enough bone in your jaw for the implant to take. If there is not enough bone, we could recommend a bone graft. If the bone graft is going to be on the top of your mouth, sometimes there is not enough room for the bone graft. If that is the case, a sinus lift might be in order.
With a sinus lift, we will need to reshape part of the roof of your mouth. During the surgery, we will lift your sinus. It just means that we will move the membrane a small amount so that we will be better able to add the bone in your jaw. If you have had a sinus lift, there could be a small amount of pain and a little bit of bleeding after it is over. You will also want to be careful when you sneeze for a little while. Also, do not blow your nose hard while it heals.
Another thing that you will need to do after a sinus lift is to keep the lining inside your nose moist. To do this, we could recommend a saline spray. A prescription to prevent congestion might also be in order. After you have healed from the sinus lift, we will be able to go ahead with the bone graft. That will give you enough bone in your jaw so that you will be able to have the implant. One benefit that some people notice after a sinus lift is that they might no longer snore. This is not always the case, but sometimes it does happen.
The longer you go without a tooth, the more bone loss you might have. The bone in your jaw starts to deteriorate the moment that a tooth is lost, so that is why we sometimes will need to take extra steps. Here at Dr. Xixi Wu, we would like to let you know whether or not you are a good candidate for dental implants. Call (972) 669-9444 to make your appointment. We will then explain what will need to be done to make the implant happen.
Sinus Lift Richardson, TX | Dr. Hilton Israelson, DDS - Dentist Here at Dr. Hilton Israelson, it is important to us that you know what is involved if you are to get a dental implant. One of the steps that we sometimes need to take is a sinus lift. Dr. Xixi Wu, 702 W. Arapaho Rd #108, Richardson, TX 75080, (972) 669-9444, northtexasperioimplants.com, 8/23/2024, Key Phrases: dental implants Richardson TX,